A Pet's Memory
Pet Funeral Home and Crematory, LLC.
1520 28th Street Gulfport, MS 39501
"To the most vibrant little girl with a heart of gold and a personality to match. We love and miss you. .......Mom and Dad"
January 1,2001-October 24,2010
"Mia was my world. She came into my life one day when I really wasn't sure if I wanted a dog. She was to belong to my nephew who at the time was staying with me. I fell in love at first sight and when my nephew moved, I advised him that although he could have visitation. Mia was staying with me.
Mia was her own dog and by that I mean she lived life by no ones standard but her own. She was a survivor of abuse as I later found out. And I wanted her to have a better life. I hope that I was able to give it to her. She was a MAN'S dog. She tolerated females but whoo hoo when a Man came across her path. She loved several men on a regular basis and they loved her back.
She was a 9 yr old and gave me 7 of the most wonderful years and filled my life with joy and memories. I weep out of love and respect for my Best of the Best Friends I will ever have has finished her task left me to this world. She was my Friend and my Family. I deeply love and will miss you Mia.....I will sing your song daily in memorance of you! Until we meet again, I love you Manew".
December 15, 1995-November 3,2010
I have had my baby girl with me for a very long time, and her time finally came to go to kitty heaven.
I miss her more than you will ever know and I will be glad to see her again one day. She will always be in my heart forever and ever because I love her and miss her!
I love you Miss Allie Wallie!
October 5,2009-January 4, 2011
"Max came to us a starving puppy that my oldest son found.
We brought him into our home and hearts December 28th 2009.
He was full of life and non-stop from morning to night but he has shown us that life is too Short!! And not to stress over little things but to live and have fun doing it no matter if it was tearing a mattress and box spring apart or curling up with you on the couch or chair, barking to let you know how much he loved us or running, dancing, sitting pretty just to get your attention, which he has always had from the moment he came to us.
Max was taken way too soon from us and will be missed greatly.
December 25, 1997-February 22,2011
"Mistletoe came into my home and my heart on Christmas Day.
Someone said that he chose me, I didn't choose him.
I think they were right.
He fit right in to the family. He loved my dogs and quickly became the "alpha cat" of the house.
He was a quiet presense, a best friend, and a loving companion.
My home will never be the same without him.
I pray that I was able to give him the kind of love and happiness he brought to me.
Rest in peace Mr. Puss. I love you!"
February 3,1998-March 7,2011
"MsKitty, Heaven shines in your eyes. Always content and peaceful, you made us feel better when we felt our worst. You would begin to purr even when we just walked by you. It's like you were saying, "I Love You & You make me happy just by being near me".
Your love radiated so strong that you hugged our hearts, overwhelming us to take a moment to sit down and show our love right back.
Your PURRR/love could be heard/felt from anywhere in the house.
MsKitty-You are love and your PURRR will live forever in our hearts.
We love/PURRR you."

Chaunce, Angel, Tina & Tom Woodmansee Bay St. Louis, MS
January 8,2001-August 2,2011
"I miss you so much!"
Jill Jones
Gulfport, MS
July 5,1995-October 13,2011
"My dear Mollie, I am so sorry, sorry I didn't see sooner.
I knew that you were growing old and week.
But until Oct 12, I didn't see just how sick you really felt.
That was because until that day, you were still taking the toilet paper that you loved, and purring like you always did.
I'm sorry, baby, it was very sudden yet I guess I knew it was coming.
I love you and you were always so special to me
especially because you were born on our wedding day, July 5,1995,
although I didn't meet you until 6 months later:).
I love you, angel, you were the best.
You were always a lady, always lending a helping paw, never a bite.
I love you, angel."
Meredith King
Gulfport, MS
January 1,2006-October 9,2011
"I am Barbara Stanley writing on behalf
of my Missy (Stanley)
who is forever missed and who is forever loved.
The days and nights are just unthinkable...
I miss seeing the white fur walking the halls
and seeing her in the bed sleep at night next to me.
I hope she is missing me as much as I miss her...
Missy was one of a kind and there will never be anything or anyone that can replace her...
I love ya forever Missy....
Your momma always"
Barbara Stanley
Biloxi, MS
August 1,1999-February 13,2012
"Military Working dog Marco C267,
Gone But Not Forgotten!"
Nick & Laurren Ford
Biloxi, MS
May 24,2005-March 22,2012
"Maggie touched the lives of many people
and other animals in her short time on earth.
She will be missed forever.
We love you Maggie."
Lynn & Greg Breland
Long Beach, MS
October 6,2000-March 26,2012
"Mindy Sue was the daughter we never had
as we had three boys,
she is going to be missed beyond words."
Dan & Lisa Noel
Long Beach, MS
"Max started life as a street puppy
who I caught getting into the garbage can.
He was so mad that he was caught,
howling and barking to le me go please.
I made sure he had water and food
and loved on him as much as I could.
By the second night at the station
he figured out that this might be a pretty good life.
Then he came home and met his new mom and she fell in love with him forever and he knew he was home.
Through the few years he was with us
he helped several foster puppies learn their way
and taught them that rescue is a good life.
Max you were a great friend and companion
and you are so so missed
and we have such a hole in our lives with you gone,
we all love you and miss you
and counting the days to when we get to see you again my boy.
Michael & Tracy Hurt
Gulfport, MS
March 15,1998-July 1,2012
"Miss Kitty was my first cat and a wonderful cat she was!
I will miss her greatly."
Dr. Christine Longo
Diamondhead, MS
May 1,2001-February 14,2013
"AKC Maximus D. Araillus
You turned our house into a home
with the love and chaos only a dog could bring.
You were close to all who were part of your life.
Our dearest Max, how we miss you tonight
by our side near our bed.
Good night our dear friend we all love you."
Becky Finch
Gulfport, MS
March 1,1994-February 26,2013
"You were my sweet, sweet girl for 19 years.
I fell in love with you at the humane society.
You had Bette Davis eyes and I called you Me Me sometimes.
I know you are in heaven sleeping on God's bed
and eating on His bed, waiting for me."
Joan Adams
D'Iberville, MS
September 2,2004-May 3,2013
"Mandy was a good girl!
That's what we always told her.
She was loved by all
and loved her family in return very much!
She will be missed greatly!"
Andrea Fagan
Pascagoula, MS
November 1,1999-April 18,2013
"We want Molly to know that we miss her so much
and we will love her forever
and we honor her memory everyday."
Kacee & Lewis Hawkins
Pascagoula, MS
January 10,1999-October 25,2013
"Maxine was a girl with attitude.
She was determined to not give in and possibly show
any weakness and at times was so frustrating to me.
But I loved her with all my heart,
she could be a pill,
but she was my pill.
I miss her, but know she's in a good place without pain."
Love you, Mama
Barbara Turan
Gulfport, MS
April 21,2000-May 13,2014
"I have loved you since I was seven
and I will love you until I see you again.
Goodbye my old friend."
Katlyn Desporte
Biloxi, MS
October 12,1999-June 5, 2014
"We had to say Goodbye to our Beautiful Girl,
our yellow lab, our love, Mattie...
Her official name was Mattie Girl of One Magnolia.
We lovingly calle her Mattie Lou...
She became part of our family in Dec., 1999.
It was love at first sight.
Our then 6 year old granddaughter, Alyson, made the trip with me to pick her up and bring her home.
Four more granddaughters came along
to love "Their Mattie."
SHe had beautiful warm brown eyes, and brown nose.
She had such a sweet spirit and soul.
Mattie we will always love and remember you...
You will always be in our hearts....
Mom, Dad, and The Entire Setnikar Family
RIP Sweet Girl."
Teresa Setnikar
Long Beach, MS
April 14,2007-July 16,2014
"Eventually our tears of sorrow will turn to joyous
thoughts of remembrance
and then our hearts will begin to heal.
We will miss you knucklehead."
Bob & Cindy Grefe
Ocean Springs, MS
January 1,2000-October 23,2014
"Our beloved Shirley, our faithful friend,
and your love you shared til the very end.
For 14 years our family was blessed,
now it's time for you to rest.
You still live on in the hearts and minds,
of the loving family you left behind."
Ocean Springs, MS
Maizie Mae
(Wolf Run's Miss Amazing Grace)
February 6,2002-February 9,2015
"Our hearts were full of tears when we had to say goodbye to our beautiful girl, Maizie Mae.
She was a fat little bundle of white fur, our sweet lab.
Ijust had to keep her when her Momma, Mattie had her litter.
She was so beautiful and sweet. She had the most gorgeous dark black eyes and nose.
We will miss you forever sweet girl.
Iam so glad we had you for 13 years
and that our 5 granddaughters all knew and loved you too.
I know you are with your Momma Mattie, and other fur babies
that are no longer suffering or in pain.
We will see you again, Maizie Mae.
Love you always....Mom, Dad and family.
Teri & Jake Setnikar
Long Beach, MS
February 14,2005-April 6,2016
"My beautiful "Baby Girl" Molly!
I love you so much!
I will miss your sweet kisses and giving you tummy rubs.
You will be in my heart forever until we meet again!"
Susan Pyles
Gulfport, MS
August 10,2012-April 26,2017
"You were my stars & moon you were Daddy's little girl.
Thank you for all the joy you brought us.
Though you were the worse dog ever, we loved you anyway;
Probably even more for it.
You will forever remain in our hearts Maddie."
Kathy & Scott Buettner
Vancleave, MS
September 9,2015-June 17,2017
Marley was our baby.
She was the light of this house and will be forever missed.
RIP my angel baby.
Jessica and John Thornton
Gautier, MS
January 1,2009-June 22,2017
"Such a sweet, lovely kitty.
We have a commercial guest house
and guest from around the world
got to meet, love on and enjoy his special attention."
Tonda & Norman Yandelk
Long Beach, MS
April 1,2000-June 25,2018
"MR. DEVIL...the first Male in my life before my husband or son.
Mr. Was true to his name.
It tickled me how scared
my friends and family got.
You will always be in my heart!!!
So miss my baby...but no more pain...
love u Mr.
Chastity Watts
Ocean Springs, MS
April 23,2000-October 22,2018
"I'll always love you with all my heart.
We did everything together.
It was your love that keeps me going.
Thank you for all our wonderful years together.
Your Ma ma"
Sharon Pinkosky
Pascagoula, MS
May 31,2006-December 8,2018
"Maggie was so loved and she so loved us.
Our home is so empty with our 6 pound baby is gone.
Forever inn our hearts Maggie Moo Moo!
Cindy & Roy Smith
Biloxi, MS
August 18,2015-April 8,2021
"Miley was our energetic, loving, and smart 3 1/2 year old Corgi. She will be very missed by us and her fur sisters.
We love you MyMy!!!"
Pattie & Rick Richardson
Biloxi, MS